askMID Lookup

Are you the injured party or a representative of the injured party? *
Access to Navigate (previously known as the MID) via this facility is provided to enable individuals to conduct ad-hoc searches in the event of an accident. It is not designed for continued use by individual parties. If you do require access to this information on a more regular basis, we recommend that you subscribe to an askMID account, or you may find your access denied. Please submit your request for an account via the askMID homepage.

If there has been a motor accident and you need to check the other vehicle is insured, for a nominal charge, search Navigate to help determine if the other vehicle is insured.

The date of the accident and the registration details of the other vehicle are required to search on askMID. If the registration is found on Navigate, you will receive on screen the insurance details: policy number, name of insurer and the claims contact details to help you progress a claim.

To note, there are some circumstances where we may need some extra details from you to determine the correct information. If this is required, you will be asked for this after the initial search has been conducted and results will follow in an email. Please check the registration numbers entered and incident date are correct.

Please ensure you enter a valid email address as this will be used to send a payment confirmation email, and may be used to send the result of your search in rare circumstances where there is a delay and it cannot be displayed immediately on the screen.

This enquiry will be charged at £10 which is non-refundable. This is a fee for the service, not the information we may provide.

Please note, if you require information on your own vehicle details, this is not the correct form to complete. Please instead visit the MIB website to submit a Data Subject Access Request.

Please complete the following form, mandatory fields are marked with *
Your Name *  
Your reference or initials *
Email Address *
Confirm email *
Your involvement in incident *

Your Registration number
Third Party Registration number *
Incident Date *
Please enter the characters displayed in the image above *  

I confirm that I am a person or body corporate resident in the United Kingdom claiming to be entitled to compensation in respect of any loss or injury resulting from an accident caused by or arising out of the use of the above UK vehicle within the last seven years. I understand that it is an offence to wrongfully obtain information of this nature without reasonable cause and if I fail to provide true reasons for requiring information I may be committing an offence of unlawfully obtaining data contrary to section 170 of the Data Protection Act 2018. I also hereby confirm that the information provided will not be used for any purposes unrelated to the purposes of this enquiry. I agree that my receipt of such information will be subject to the Terms of Use as stated on this website. *  
I have read, understood and accept askMID's Terms of Use *